What is the difference between Micro Blading and Tattoos

What is the difference between Micro Blading and other Permanent Makeup modalities. Microblading is a tool that is popular with the newer generation of permanent makeup artists. The marketing of Microblading has dominated our industry in the past 2 to 3 years. Microblade is a hand held tool where the series of needles are configured tightly to form a "blade" or a "knife". The artist uses the "blade" to cut "hair like" incisions into the skin. The pigment is then smeared into the cuts. The width of the blade is extremely narrow so that the artist can create an illusion of eyebrow hairs. Due to the narrow width of the blade, the artist must minimize the space in between each stroke. If the strokes are placed too far apart, the tattoo may appear sparse when healed. If the strokes are placed too closely, then the pigment from each stroke blend into the next stroke and causes pigment migration or a shaded look. Immediat...