Various Questions You Should Ask Your Permanent Makeup Artist Prior to Booking an Appt.
Basic Questions to Ask Your Permanent Makeup Artist Prior to Scheduling an Appointment:
Q1: "Are you OSHA Compliant?"
If the Artist is NOT Occupational Safety and Health Authorization (OSHA) compliant, take your business elsewhere. This is basic requirement for every Permanent Makeup business in the state of California and most other states. An annual inspection and testing is necessary to be granted a certificate to operate by the County Health Services.

A sink with hot/cold water is required in the workspace in Contra Costa County, CA. Sinks in the bathroom do not count, since that is a separate room. Frequent hand washing is necessary to decrease cross contamination.
Q2: "May I have a Consultation to meet you and ask questions?"
Not mandatory, but it is always a good idea to meet the Artist prior to the procedure. As a novice client, I would feel more at ease meeting the person that will be tattoo-ing my face. Most artist will provide a consultation. They should explain what to expect before, during, and after procedures. In some case, they will show you the tools used and provide general heal time. Don't be shy about asking questions.
Q3: "Can I see some photos of your work in your office?"
VERY IMPORTANT: There's nothing like seeing their work on printed photos vs. photos online/computer. You are more likely to see the details on printed photos. If you see their previous work and you don't like their work, DO NOT proceed. Even if you describe or show pictures of what you want, they will most likely produce similar work. To put it simply, our work is like our handwriting, or signature. Small modifications can be made per client, however, it's not easy changing our signature style. Just move onto the next permanent makeup artist.
Q4: "Do you provide a complementary Touch Up appointment after the initial procedure?"
Most Artists include one free Touch Up 4 to 8 weeks after the initial procedure. But not all, so be sure to clarify.
San Ramon, CA
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