Permanent Makeup, tattoo and MRI

Tattoo and Permanent Makeup pigment contains Iron Oxide and some has Carbon Oxide.
It is not irritant to most skin.

Prior to an MRI, the technician may ask if you have any tattoos.  Permanent Makeup is a tattoo.  So
your answer would be... Yes.

In the simplest term, an MRI machine is a giant magnet that scans your body.  It will detect metals, including Iron Oxide.  If you have a large tattoo on your body, the MRI Technician may put a cool, wet towelette to ease warm sensation.

However, the amount of pigment used on Hairstroke brows, liner and lips is minimal.  Therefore, the likelihood of feeling discomfort is not likely.   However, it is helpful if the MRI Tech knows what he/she is looking at.
San Ramon, CA


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