Permanent Makeup lip pigment colors
1. Are you a good candidate?
Take a look at your lips in the mirror. Are both top and bottom lips the same color? If yes, you are a good candidate.

2. Cold sores, fever blisters or herpes simplex HSV-1. 1 in 3 women that I provide permanent makeup lip procedures have HSV-1. The client must take prescription strength anti viral medications pre and post lip procedure. Most common prescription drug is Zovirax. There are many other medications on the market, so ask your doctor. The dosage varies so be sure to ask your permanent makeup artist what the proper dosage is. Lycine- L and other over the counter drugs will not prevent an outbreak.
3. When choosing lipsticks, do you use Reds with Blue Undertones or Reds with Orange undertones or mauves? The other common selection would be Pinks and Roses.
4. Do you like lipsticks with brown undertone?
If so, do not select permanent makeup pigment with brown undertones. It will look dark and harsh. Stick to your topical lipsticks. Your lip color should not have browns in them. You already most likely have blues or purple undertones to your lips. The brown will only accentuate the darkness.
San Ramon, CA
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