Canker sores and mouth ulcers; how to avoid and relieve pain

For years, I've been suffering from canker sores.
Canker Sores are white ulcers that forms inside the mouth.  They are quite painful and can last 3 to 7 days.  There are many theories about canker sores, however, there's no simple explanation as to how to avoid outbreak.

It is important to note that Canker sores are not transferable to others by contact.  Canker Sores differ from Cold Sores (HSV-1)

Here are some suggestions as to why you may develop a canker sore:
1.  Fatigue
2.  Stress
3.  Compromise to immune system
4.  Food allergies or sensitivity
5.  Sodium Laurel Sulfate (SLS)

Sodium Laurel Sulfate is a detergent in most toothpastes, it provides the foaming action.   It is best for people with canker sores to avoid this ingredient in their mouth.  Foaming detergent will irritate your mouth.  Check the ingredient list on your toothpaste.  So far, the most accessible toothpaste that is SLS free is Biotene for Dry Mouth.  You can purchase at most drugstores and supermarkets.  There's a paste and gel.  The Original paste has a better taste and consistency.

Food allergy or sensitivity is another important contributor to an outbreak.  Most people do not realize that there are foods that they are sensitive to.   Allergies and sensitivity will produce different reactions.  For me, cooked or raw onions and red wine will trigger canker sores.  Also, acidic foods, like oranges or orange juice, may also irritate mouth.  It is best to avoid or limit these foods.

What to do when you have an outbreak.
Sleep and rest is the best remedy.  I use  Sanjin Melon Frost Spray to relieve pain.  It works instantly.  It comes in a small bottle and it's made from watermelon rinds.  It is a fine powder, grey in color, tastes awful, but it immediately relieves the discomfort.  When dusted directly on the canker sore, it temporarily provides relief from pain.  It was invented by Chinese herbalist to sooth canker sores due to fire in the stomach.  It's made with watermelon and Glauber’s salt.  There's information on how to make your own Melon Frost.

I simply purchased my bottles from for approximately $10.  Well worth stocking up.
Pretty Please Studio
Permanent Makeup Artistry
San Ramon, CA


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