Cold sores, herpes (HSV-1) for Lip Permanent Makeup Procedures

Common question asked by Permanent Makeup Artist when performing Lip Blush or Lip Blushing procedures..."Have you ever had cold sores or fever blisters?"  On average, 1 in 3 clients will answer "Yes".  Cold sores are highly contagious and is transferable to others.

Cold sores or fever blisters pop up on the lips or surrounding skin around the lips.  You may feel a tingling sensation around the mouth prior to an outbreak.  They are clusters of sores, red in color, and secrete a clear fluid.  They are caused by the herpes simplex virus (HSV-1).  HSV carriers have periodic outbreak due to fatigue, stress, compromise to their immune system, over exposure to sun/wind, or  trauma to the lips or mouth area.  Upon outbreak, average duration of time to heal is 2 weeks.  During outbreaks, it is highly contagious to others.   May transfer to others via sharing of utensils, food, toothpaste, kissing, etc...
There are over the counter remedies to shorten the duration and severity of an outbreak.  Please consult your local pharmacist.

Photos Before/After: Lip Blush, Lip Blushing

For those people that are not an HSV-1 carrier, Permanent Makeup lip procedure cannot give you herpes.   The artist uses single use sterile needles, therefore, it is safe.

However, if you are an HSV-1 carrier, the trauma of needling your lips will cause an outbreak.  To avoid an outbreak, it is recommended that you take anti viral medication few days before, day of, and after the lip procedure.  There are several on the market and they do vary in dosage. Please consult with your doctor for a prescription.  Lysine- L is not effective and therefore should not replace prescription of anti viral medication from your doctor.  
To clarify, cold sores should not be confused with canker sores.  Canker sores form inside the mouth, gums and tongue.  It appears as a white ulcer.  Canker sores are not contagious to others.  It is an auto immune deficiency or triggered by food sensitivity.  Average duration to heal is 3 to 7 days.  
Currently, there is no cure for HSV-1.
Pretty Please Studio
San Ramon, CA
Permanent Makeup Artistry


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